Our team knew very little about the overwhelming issues behind the Monarch’s decline. We began by doing research online. Then, we pulled out the stops. Copious interviews were performed with experts and stakeholders. Targeted surveys were sent. We got outside and into workshops and analogous experiences.
I led this campaign. Having met these amazing polinator champions, I have to say we are lucky to have such dedicated non-profits doing what they can to protect the environment!
Let’s take a look at some of the insights they provided:
Research – Experts
“The biggest problem is the fact that so many people need to work together – so many entities, interests, ranchers, consumers, real estate, government, regulations, all on the same page – many moving parts. None can do it alone.”
Emma Pelton – Western Monarch Lead, Xerces Society
“The Nurseries…really into pollinators and they are in contact with the community all the time… Nurseries might have a lot of incentive to be part of the solution.”
Vanessa Rogier- Pollinator-friendly landscape designer/ Former Zoo Outreach
“…everyone wants to be empowered to do something!”
Valerie- Former Zoo Director, San Jose, CA
Research – Public
“I’d like to see some data. I mean it’s probably best to preserve the species, because it could have
practical implications for humanity as a whole. Like the bees… They’re important to us in ways we’re not aware of… Somehow… If it was low cost and not time consuming. ”
Adrian – SF Developer
Research – Analogous Experience
“Creating games is really helpful… Anything that gets them into the physical space. instead of touring the garden, have them plant something or identify the parts live, not out of a book.”
Jesse Muzzy – Nature Bridge – outreach coordinator. Former environmental educator at Hidden Villa Camp
“People… want to help the environment somehow”
Bee Nest Building- East Bay Bio Fuel Center
Research – Immersion
“We really need a multi-prong approach. …but enough people is also important,
because that funding can’t do it all.”
Monarch Conservation Webinar
People learn to identify a Monarch from a Painted Lady. It can be tricky, but then once you learn, you get this surge of excitement”
Monarch Citizen Science Count